
We've got you covered!

On Demand

Discover the convenience of live ON AIR’s On-Demand Platform, where we empower you to showcase your productions effortlessly. Our user-friendly and secure platform allows you to seamlessly showcase and share your videos with the world. You have the flexibility to monetise your content with options like annual subscriptions for dedicated viewers, pay-per-view for premium content, or even offer it for free to expand your reach. Whether it’s your latest event, educational content, or entertainment, our platform ensures that your audience can access your content at their convenience, enhancing your reach and engagement.

Live Streaming

Experience the excitement of live broadcasting with live ON AIR’s Live Streaming service. Our team specializes in multi-camera live broadcasts, offering real-time advertising integration, dynamic on-screen graphics, live scoring for sports events, interactive live chat boards, and engaging polls. We enable you to connect with your audience in real-time and broadcast your content to the global stage, effortlessly leveraging various platforms to ensure your message reaches far and wide.

video production

Video Production

At live ON AIR, we’re your trusted partner for comprehensive video production services. Our process encompasses all stages, starting with Pre Production, where we assist in video scripting and concept development to bring your ideas to life. During Production, our skilled team handles everything from single-camera shoots for intimate moments to multi-camera setups for larger productions. Finally, our Post Production services include video editing to refine your content, the addition of captivating motion graphics, and professional voiceover recordings, resulting in polished, high-quality videos that captivate your audience.

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